SIR – According to Bradford Council chief executive Tony Reeves, the moving of staff from the city centre was misguided, and after the cut-backs, the remaining staff will be moved back.

The aim of various proposed new developments, he says, is to create 400,000sq ft of new city-centre office space (T&A, January 21).

The concern is that the Council could take office space in the stalled Westfield and New Victoria Place developments to kick-start these projects on the back of Council money – our money. Some would consider any such proposal as rather underhand.

Bradford is awash with empty offices in addition to any that the Council may propose to vacate. This would be another example of the Council taking an unsatisfactory option to justify their incomplete regeneration proposals.

Will they go to any ends to attempt to push through proposals, some of which have not been fully-supported by the people of Bradford?

What we really need is a new Broadway shopping complex, built around a new through railway station. That, together with a refurbished Odeon building to complement the Alhambra Theatre, would do far more for the future of our city.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon, Shipley