SIR – Being a 78-year-old widow and having lived in Baildon for 54 years, the bus service that operates, the 659 Hopper up Baildon Road, is diabolical, to say the least. The Hopper runs hourly, but misses at least once a day, if not more, every day of the week.

Years ago the bus service to and from Baildon was an excellent one, but like everything else the decline in any kind of service always steers towards or can affect the elderly.

Why do we have the 626 running three times an hour? This service is no good to shoppers of my age in trying to carry our purchases halfway down Baildon Road.

If we can’t have an improvement of, say, two half-hourly 659 buses, can we be guaranteed a reliable hourly service?

It has been incorrectly stated over the years that all the residents of Baildon possess two cars for getting from A to B. This certainly doesn’t apply to my age group, the majority of whom don’t drive at all.

Mrs M McVeagh, Welwyn Drive, Baildon