SIR – At last, after decades of maladministration, we have a Councillor with sense.

Councillor Jeanette Sunderland has identified a sensible way for the City Council to make savings.

She has correctly targeted the departments which have the highest earners, most overstaffed, lowest workload, and are the lowest achievers.

It is all the same department, the Councillors themselves.

Councillor Sunderland rightly suggests that one Councillor per ward is sufficient. This reduction would save the Council several million pounds per year.

This would mean saving the jobs of lower paid, yet more efficient workers.

If we can find a few more Councillors who can think logically like Councillor Sunderland, we will soon see a turnaround in the fortunes of our once-great city.

After years in the doldrums, have we finally got some light at the end of the tunnel?

Keith Rayner, Laburnum Drive, Baildon