It might seem a little obvious, but a new survey for the Office for National Statistics says that a job, good health and family are the keys to happiness.

Obvious, perhaps, but true. Many people’s general well-being relies on being able to get a fair wage for an honest day’s work.

With increasing cuts, especially in the public sector, more and more people are finding that the basic desire to work is harder and harder to fulfill.

And that, of course, has knock-on effects in other of these “quality of life” indicators.

Those who cannot find a job might end up suffering depression or other health problems, their families might suffer, and they are denied taking their proper place in society.

There will always be those who don’t wish to work, and whom that lifestyle suits perfectly.

But for the rest of us, a job is the key to allowing the rest of what matters to them to fall into place.

Every effort should be made on all fronts to increase employment as the country emerges from the recent recessionary times.

Those who want to work should be given every encouragement and help to do so. And that will truly help this country rise above its recent problems and thrive.