SIR – Regarding Geoff Southgate’s letter ‘Benefits of wind turbines are clear’ (T&A, December 31). It was superb, very positive and he has put his money where his mouth is and came out on-top – which is more than can be said for Graham Hoyle with his negative thoughts of doom and gloom.

Myself, I would take more drastic measures of wind by putting the new Becker-Turbine that has been invented in Chicago and proven to be 75 per cent more efficient and sticking it out of every rooftop of every house in the land.

After all, we built houses with chimney stacks and pots on top and at the same time covering every rooftop with solar panels.

Then every house would have access to wind and solar power with all the excess energy going back into the grid.

I’d go even further; I would tap river water from the source and at various points all the way down to the sea. I would also have built into the rooftops of the electric car, solar panels and maybe use the wind that passes all-around the car.

A Briggs, Hirstwood Road, Bradford