SIR – Your correspondent Stuart Baker (Letters, December 16) only displays his own ignorance by labelling Jason Smith of UKIP as ‘bonkers’. He lays himself open to the charge that he is either unaware of what is really going on, or is in a ‘state of denial’.

Anyone of common sense is aware that we were ‘conned’ into this bureaucratic nightmare of the EU by subtle methods and subterfuge.

Originally, we were told that it was nothing more than a ‘Common Market’, which was a sensible proposition. But it is what has happened since that has laid bare the true intentions of this totalitarian and bureaucratic regime. The European super-state.

On the financial side, apart from doubts about how we benefit (or not) from our massive contribution, how does Mr Baker explain away the fact that accountants have refused to sign off the Brussels accounts for a good number of years now?

There is no such thing as one size fits all. It is about time we, and other independent European lands stood up for their own sovereignty once more. After all, this is what we fought so valiantly to defend, isn’t it? Or does Mr Baker think this too was ‘bonkers’.

Pamela B McCallum, Albert Street, Thornton