SIR – The number of households investing in solar panels is on the increase. With the price of energy forever going up, the opportunity for households to produce some (if not all) of their own energy requirements seems like a good idea.

Add to this the ability for any surplus energy produced by the households to be sold back to the grid, and you have a really good idea.

Let us not forget the environmental benefits also. Nuclear power plants can be dangerous, as in the case of the Chernobyl disaster. The production and storage of nuclear waste can also be potentially very dangerous and costly to both us and the environment.

If every rooftop in the country had a solar panel installed big enough to cover the roof, we would have an abundant energy source.

The production (in this country), installation and maintenance of these solar panels would create jobs, and we will not be so dependent on oil from around the world.

With households having cheaper bills, they will have more money to spend. Both of these benefits would help in the growth of the economy. Surely, this has to be the future.

A Briggs, Hirstwood Road, Bradford