SIR – I read with interest D Rhodes’s reply to Linda Greaves, regarding raising the age limit for drinking alcohol to 21. I find myself in favour with Linda.

Mr Rhodes makes no reference to the costs of young people drinking to excess, and the cost to the police and health service, just to mention two high-cost areas.

He also makes no reference to the personal costs to the individual who ends up with drink-related problems, and the costs to social services.

This is not limited to the under-21s, but they are the future.

The manufacturers and distributors of alcohol are only concerned with their own wealth and not the well-being of the nation and in particular our young people who are targeted. The loss of pubs is not necessarily a bad thing.

I have little interest in what the Americans do and believe we can sort out our own society without looking to them.

Sorry, Mr Rohodes, I believe you need to consider this matter in more depth. Visit BRI A&E on a Friday or Saturday evening or an alcoholics group meeting, and you might then advocate the pledge for all.

Arthur Normington, Manor Drive, Cottingley, Bingley