SIR – Any notion that this country is in a period of ‘austerity’, seems to have slipped the Prime Minister’s mind where the House of Lords is concerned.

In just six months from the last General Election, David Cameron has ennobled 111 people – more than any previous party leader since ‘life’ peerages were introduced many years ago.

Unsurprisingly, most are cronies or donors to party funds which raises once again the suspicion that honours are just another commodity to be bought and sold as a political expediency.

Apart from the fact that such political appointees are the antithesis of any democratic system, the expense of these is soaring, with each Peer costing the taxpayer over £200,000 per annum – a frightening sum when multiplied by the potential 1,000 members which the upper house could soon have.

It’e even more difficult to understand when the coalition has pledged to reduce MPs by 50 down to around 600.

Because there are no means to remove any Life Peer once Letters Patent have been granted by the Sovereign, the only proper constitutional way forward must be the abolition of the House Of Lords, and replace it with an all-elected body with salaried members. Whatever it might be called?

D S Boyes, Rodley Lane, Leeds