SIR – The story regarding the travellers ‘sticking two fingers up’ to the authorities, has been reported by the T&A over decades – only the names change.

Travellers live off their wits, and can spot weakness immediately, so getting one over on the Council is no problem, as we all know in other areas.

It used to be Eric Pickles, then there was Margaret Eaton OBE. There’s also been Gerry Sutcliffe. They all have the ability to sound good, and all have the ability to achieve nothing on this topic, as it gets in the way of their careers.

Now it’s MP Philip Davies and Councillor John Pennington – both of whom I respect more than the others – who are asking how it is that travellers can break the law, when anyone else would be arrested and brought before the courts.

Gary Lorriman, North Walk, Harden, Bingley