SIR – Your cartoon (T&A, July 21) reminded me of those correspondents who scoffed at my admiration of artists’ impressions of buildings, published in the T&A, that have since come to fruition, eg Gatehaus.

Critiques of modernity have disdained the go-getters who approved the £6 million loan to complete Southgate Complex, but with the opening of Jury’s Inn and Provident Financial due to relocate its headquarters in the development, indubitably it will become the hub of an area which had lain waste for years.

Regeneration is the name of the game, but Bradford’s plan of action was not just to erect new buildings, but to renovate existing quality structures like the Woolston Warehouse off City Road as well.

Had it not been for the recession, there’s no doubt Bradford would have been at the cutting edge.

David Rhodes, Croscombe Walk, Bradford