SIR – Re the article (T&A of 17 July) about free swims and Jeanette Sunderland’s response to the proposed cancelling of under-16s and elderly people’s free swimming.

She goes on to say that “… otherwise it (Labour) would have subsidised other ways older people use to keep fit like going to the gym”.

Oh dear! One day this woman will get older and less mobile, and then suddenly realise that the best way, as an ‘elderly person’, to keep fit is swimming: it has lesss impact on joints that going to the gym.

Another point: if a swimming pool is open and people are swimming, the swimming pool will take money in.

If people who would not think of going for a swim because their finances are limited are suddenly given free access to this facility, they might go (not costing any more for the pool to operate) and also after swimming might even pop in to the cafe for a snack afterwards, as I used to do.

I’m not sure about the under 16s, but they have parents who could maybe contribute possibly half the cost? It would give them something to do for a couple of hours per visit. Rita Robertshaw, Dalecroft Rise, Allerton, Bradford