SIR – I refer to the letter (T&A, July 17) about why the Great Northern Trail is not yet open from Queensbury to Cullingworth along the full length.

There are several reasons why the GNT is open currently in three sections, at Cullingworth, Thornton and Queensbury.

There are land-ownership issues and Sustrans is in negotiations with the owners, which have taken longer than expected, and which, until resolved, prevent sections being linked up.

In respect of the section near Doe Park reservoir, Bradford Council intends to develop this as a recreational facility. The footpath will be part of this and will be created with this development when it happens.

The sections that are open were funded by various bodies, and the nature of funding means sections will be complete as money becomes available.

Your correspondent, Mr Abbott, speaks of the need for privacy and consideration to residents whose houses border the former railway line, and I can assure him Sustrans bears that in mind.

It may be in certain sections where it proves impossible, or too costly, to follow the exact course of the former railway, slight deviations may have to be made.

The GNT will one day extend along its full length.

M Neale, Ranger, Queensbury section GNT, Oxford Road, Queensbury, Bradford