SIR – Recently Health Secretary Andrew Lansley delivered some devastating news in his white paper on reforms for the health service. Will these turn out to be good or bad? It begs the question, good or bad for who?

What is desperately needed instead is to give patients that control, after all isn’t devolution of power to the public what David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ is all about?

If ever there was a time to show an interest in medical matters, this is it. Practices are encouraged to have patient participation meetings and, in Clayton, doctors Walker and Patel, of the Cowgill practice, are to hold an already arranged meeting for their patients who are interested on Thursday, July 22, at 1pm.

Perhaps this is a chance to speak directly to what is already a very good practice, and maybe get a local professional view on what may lie ahead for each of us.

Are the Government new moves “for the people, by the people” purely to save money?

This is likely to be the biggest change we have seen since the introduction of the health service.

Dennis Delaney, The Avenue, Clayton, Bradford