SIR – It was good to see the photograph of Mr Gibb’s cactus (Letters, July 13) and to note his appreciation of the flower.

This year has seen many of the cacti in our members’ collections flowering well despite the cold start to the year and so we have been able to appreciate the variety and beauty on show.

Bradford has a flourishing branch of the British Cactus and Succulent Society which meets monthly on the second Wednesday evening of the month at Shipley Library at 7.15pm.

Anyone with an interest in cacti, or who would like to develop an interest, is most welcome at any monthly meeting and will usually have the chance to see splendid plants or at least photographic records of cacti around the world.

The next Shipley meeting is on Wednesday, September 8, and I would be happy to send full details of the society to anyone interested.

Please take the first step towards developing an interest in fascinating plants by coming to one of the meetings, where you will receive a warm and friendly welcome.

Joan Thornton, Badgergate Avenue, Wilsden, Bradford