SIR – What makes Clayton so special? I believe it must be the community spirit which is apparent in the schools, churches and almost every Clayton organisation.

It would be hard to find a better example than that of the Clayton Community Association, located in the village hall.

Many people have contributed to its current success, but in the past it has been a struggle to keep the doors open.

At the recent annual general meeting, the families of three very special gentlemen were present to remember loved ones who had laid a foundation for the Clayton Community Association.

Ken Hartley, Ron Kelly and Jack Toothill will be long remembered for all they did for Clayton and, as a tribute, rooms have been named in their honour.

The real community spirit they showed has been passed down to the current officers of the association.

Many people volunteer to help make the village hall what it is today, none more so than Carol and Tony Thirkill, whose dedication has been inspirational.

Clayton should remember and be proud of Ken, Ron and Jack and try to support all who work for the good of the village.

Dennis Delaney, The Avenue, Clayton