SIR Mr Holmans (T&A, May 5) excuses Gordon Brown's pillaging of pension funds because 30 per cent of families in rented accommodation have no significant savings, although many of them will have earned enough to save.

In common with other citizens who are approaching, or have passed, their 80th birthday my wife and I scrimped and scraped, denying ourselves many luxuries in order to buy a house (mortgage allowance on one wage only), received five shillings (25p) per week for our second child, nothing for the first.

With retirement I receive a small private pension and interest from mutual building societies, plus carefully-gained capital above the means-tested level, in the belief that I could afford a reasonable retirement.

I have never been jealous of the remunerations received by doctors, nurses, etc, but consider it grossly unfair that public sector workers receive guaranteed, enhanced and index-linked pensions when the wealth-providing private sector pensions are plundered by Brown.

While I wish to see the end of this laughably-incompetent Labour government, until that happy day arrives I want Blair to remain in-situ.

Geoffrey Holmes, The Grove, Idle.