SIR I work as an unpaid volunteer for a charity shop in Shipley and would like to thank the public for the many donations we receive.

To help us raise the maximum amount for the charity, I would ask them to think about what they pack in the bags they donate.

I do feel at times that we are a dumping ground for those who choose to clear out their wardrobes and cupboards and ask them to bear in mind we cannot sell soiled and worn-out clothing. If it has been worn, please wash it before donating it.

We do recycle clothing we cannot sell and it would be very helpful if this was packed separately and labelled rags' to save us the unpleasant task of handling soiled and worn-out clothing.

We can only sell clean, undamaged bric-a-brac, toys and books, and unopened and unused toiletries. So please pack china and glass with care, it is often broken when we unpack it. Please take other items to your local tip, we have to pay for our refuse collections.

Mavis Khan, Nightingale Walk, Gilstead, Bingley.