SIR It was the very wise and saintly Archbishop Desmond Tutu who once said, in relation to the appalling situation of apartheid in South Africa: "I do not understand which Bible people have been reading when they say that religion and politics do not mix."

B Depledge (T&A, May 9) takes Archbishop Sentamu and Bishop David James to task when all they have been doing is their job!

There is no false division between the sacred and secular, or the spiritual and all the rest of life. Such a distinction is a complete nonsense, in the literal meaning of that word.

The Christ whom Christians worship is concerned for the whole person, not just bits of them. Anything which demeans, abuses, or otherwise puts down any human being is against the Christian Gospel whoever perpetrates it and however lowly or mighty they may be.

The BNP stands for everything that the Christian Gospel doesn't and vice-versa. The Bishop and the Archbishop were entirely right to denounce them in forthright and robust terms.

Coun the Rev Paul Flowers, (Lab, Great Horton), City Hall, Bradford.