SIR – I see scientists are having a good laugh at our expense again. Well, it made me smile anyway.

Having been firmly warned that more than a couple of eggs a week was extremely bad for us, if not downright lethal, now we are being told to eat as many of the little blighters as we fancy.

It turns out that they are not going to result in cholesterol-induced heart attacks after all and are, in fact, an excellent, protein-dense food full of marvellous dietary goodies.

I say ‘in fact’, but who knows, maybe next week they’ll be banished back to the hen coop again?

Meanwhile, I shall carry on as I always have and enjoy eggs, free range of course, whenever I fancy and not when dictated to by the health police.

Godfrey Bloom, UKIP MEP for Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire, Main Street, Wressle, Selby, Yorkshire