SIR – If the efforts, or rather the lack of them, by Bradford Centre Regeneration is to be considered a success, by whatever distorted perspective, then I would not like to see an example of failure! (T&A, March 15, 16 and 17).

I recall the chief executive, Maud Marshall, announcing a new beginning, when interviewed on radio, and acknowledging past failures and prevailing cynicism.

It is very convenient claiming that the foundations have been placed for future benefits, but without tangible examples of success, we are entitled to remain cynical!

Despite the expenditure of vast sums of salaries and foreign escapades, the Westfield site remains undeveloped.

BCR presided over matters concerning the Odeon, cynically ignoring many people of Bradford who were demanding its restoration.

What is the value of a masterplan, at such cost, when none of it has been actualised, and when it has been imposed, although via meaningless consultations, and is totally irrelevant for local needs?

The whole tenure of BCR has been a self-indulgent nonsense and an unmitigating disaster.

Alec Suchi, Allerton Road, Allerton