SIR – British Airways staff have been on strike over pay and conditions, and rail workers are thinking of striking.

Is this not sending a strong message to this Labour Government that working-class workers have had enough of bankers getting paid high bonuses and MPs their expenses. This is getting back to the 1970s winter of discontent.

Gordon Brown has said he expects the union and its workers to call off the strike and go back to work. Has he lost the plot or his marbles?

BA has made lots of money over the years with the help of the workers.

It would seem the Labour party is out of touch with its voters. If it wants another four or five years in Parliament or be part of a hung Parliament then it must change and give the voters what they want.

Otherwise it will be more job losses, bankruptcies and higher unemployment. Does Gordon Brown want that?

Could MPs live on £10,000 or less in a year? They expect the general public to live on lower-than-inflation wage rises while MPs can claim every expense going. Surely that’s not right. It’s time for change.

Martin Palliser, Waincliffe House, Laisterdyke