SIR – European Parliament plans to grant pregnant women 20 weeks of maternity leave on full pay, which would have a significant impact on Yorkshire businesses, have been shelved pending a full impact assessment, following demands by the Conservatives in the European Parliament.

Labour MEPs need to take a long, hard look at the cost of these plans to governments and businesses.

I am pleased that we have been able to agree a postponement of the vote so that we can have a clear assessment of the costs of these plans. I hope that, once they realise the damage that could be done to business, they will rethink the plans and they will oppose this directive.

The EU should not be deciding how much time new mothers and fathers should take off. That is a matter for national governments and an individual’s personal choice.

These plans would reduce a woman’s right to choose, and make young women less employable. It’s time for these plans to be taken back to the drawing board.

Timothy Kirkhope, MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, leader of the Conservatives in the European Parliament, Beechwood Farm, Main Street, Scotton, North Yorkshire