SIR – Councillor Naylor should admit the regeneration of Odsal Stadium, which has been proposed at various times over the last 50 years, did not happen then and will not happen now.

It has been proven that successful sporting clubs can engender the feel-good factor and bolster an area’s prestige and economy.

The Council should therefore be looking at how it can help the Bulls and the Bantams.

They should buy Valley Parade, which they could probably get for a very reasonable price, leasing it to both teams at a peppercorn rent.

Without the worries of ground finance the emphasis could be on playing performance with spin-off benefits to the community.

The Odsal site could be sold for housing and commercial use.

The facilities of the Richard Dunn, including an international-size swimming pool, together with facilities for other indoor team sports, could be located adjacent to the mirror pool on the site of the proposed business forest (another doomed project).

These facilities, aided by a refurbished skating rink, would bring people into central Bradford again.

This is something which is achievable in the comparative short-term and, unlike other projects, will have the support of the majority of Bradfordians.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon