SIR – Re: “Polls point to a hung parliament” (Letters, March 15). Countrywide polling may show general numbers for and against the major parties, but more marginal seats are crucial.

The fact is a few thousand or even a few hundred voters here are likely to decide who forms Government as one or other of the two main parties wins by a handful of votes.

The press do the public no service in pretending that the present voting system can deliver a fair result.

With more parties to vote for (Scots and Welsh Nats; UKIP, BNP, Greens, Lib-Dems etc), unlike in the 1950s and 1960s when Tories and Labour accounted for most votes, a tiny minority might still give one or other main party a landslide of seats.

However, as a Liberal Democrat, I’m pleased to see our support has grown, particularly in areas like Sheffield, Leeds, Hull and Bradford East, where we have a real chance of winning.

In the absence of a fair voting system, this is the people’s best chance to stop the two-party ‘elective dictatorship’. Why do most people dislike Governments? Because most people didn’t vote for them!

Councillor John Hall, (Lib-Dem, Windhill and Wrose), Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon