SIR – Is there anybody in this city who has not blamed our councillors for practically everything? With all the ongoing work at the present time, Bradford looks like a city which has suffered heavy bomb damage and is now being reconstructed. It now seems that when something is pulled down the idea is to turn the site into a park.

Are the councillors to be blamed for everything? I think not, although I do still think the Odeon should be demolished and made a park site, but no canal please.

Clayton Conservative councillors Elaine Byrom and David Servant listened to the electorate’s concerns about speeding, primarily in The Avenue, Clayton, and the police responded to the people’s concerns.

We have received their report which, to say the least, many people will react by saying they do not believe the figures presented, but while the first reaction would be disbelief, 41 per cent of motorists obeyed the speed limit, which leaves 59 per cent who break the law, but of these only four per cent would have received a fixed-penalty ticket.

There is still some way to go but we will do well to remember, “speed kills”.

Thanks to Elaine Byrom and David Servant, they listened and responded.

Dennis Delaney, The Avenue, Clayton