SIR – A group of Eastern European fraudsters manages to claim £566.14 a month from the British benefit system, and to all intents and purposes they have not paid any money into the benefits system. Yet they are still entitled to claim.

On December 31, 2009, I was made redundant for the fourth time, and, after having worked since January 1966 – just short of 44 years – I am entitled to £64.30 a week jobseeker’s allowance, or £257.20 a month.

Not only that, my allowance was stopped for two weeks at the beginning of March as my wife and I went on a special holiday to celebrate her special birthday.

To add insult to injury, Tony Davis, a solicitor for one of the men, claimed: “The reality is that this country is known as Benefit Britain. The defendant cannot be held responsible for that.”

Benefit Britain – but not if you are British and honest.

What’s the point in having a work ethic and honesty in Britain today? Can anyone convince me that I have not been a mug these last 44 years?

Geoff Forder, Larch Hill Crescent, Odsal, Bradford