SIR – Can I remind Patrica Ellis (Letters, March 25) that it is people who live in the past trying to save outdated buildings like the Odeon who have brought down Bradford.

The Odeon is not unique and should not be treasured and has been sacrificed by the Council because Bradford Council is looking to the future not living in the past.

Congratulation to Bradford Council and its partners for all there hard work in getting Bradford UNESCO City of Film, it just shows we don’t need the old Odeon.

I think that people who want to save it have lost the plot and don’t care about Bradford, but just want to make a name for themselves.

So can people living in past remember that they’re in the minority and the majority of people want to look to the future and what a better and bright future for the Bradford and the district.

Emmerson Walgrove, Parkfield Road, Manningham