SIR – I was sorry to read about the cyclist who was attacked on the canal towpath (T&A, March 24) and was robbed of his cycle. I, too, ride the towpath and it is a simple, gentle pleasure.

I take issue, however, with the barrister representing Andrew Hacking as she tried to blame his awful behaviour on his anxiety and depression.

I am sick of the legal profession using this genuine and distressing condition as an excuse for any and all crimes.

I have had anxiety and depression for 30 years. I hold down a responsible job and have a good, caring husband and family. Under no circumstances would I consider going out and mugging someone – and then have the cheek to offer up my illness in mitigation.

The general public should be made aware that the thousands of us with this particular mental illness are no more prone to be crooks than, say, someone with heart disease or diabetes.

Mrs Cathy MacKay, Bailey Hills Road, Bingley