SIR – I am writing with regards to the article ‘Cash crisis kills off £75m Odsal sports village’ (T&A, March 23).

The article’s assertion that a planned sports village at Odsal has been impeded due to Bradford College not receiving LSC funding for a new campus build misconstrues the situation.

Bradford College received LSC funding for their ‘Phase 1’ redevelopment for new sports, construction and engineering facilities at their main college site. This funding was allocated by the LSC following a detailed proposal from the college.

Bradford College also submitted an application for further funding, which was delayed when the LSC had to review the programme as the cost of projects in development became greater than the funding available.

Each of these proposals were for the benefit of the college’s facilities rather than direct funding for a sports stadium at Odsal, and it is not the case that a commitment was made for capital funding for the project at Odsal.

Funding for new college buildings has not been ‘frozen’ and the LSC and its successor body the Skills Funding Agency will continue to work with Bradford College and colleges across the country to explore financing and options for taking forward new college building projects.

Mike Lowe, director of area for the LSC in West Yorkshire, Learning and Skills Council, Yorkshire and the Humber, Mercury House, 4 Manchester Road, Bradford