It is hard to fathom what motivates people who wreck, burn and destroy seemingly just for the sake of it.

While in no way condoning theft, for example, it is perhaps easier to understand the reasons why people steal, but wanton destruction baffles almost as much as it infuriates.

Whatever ultimately drives vandals and arsonists, it is obvious that they have a worrying lack of empathy with the rest of society.

Whether this is through thoughtlessness or mean-spiritedness, they do not seem to know or care what impact their actions have on others.

That impact can be quite considerable as the latest outrage shows.

The fire started at Newlands Furniture Service has destroyed half the charity’s stock – furniture and other household necessities donated by well-wishers which would have been sold, at low cost, to those members of the community who need it the most.

The fact that the arsonists must have known what the organisation was about and targeted it anyway is particularly dispiriting.

It would, of course, be unrealistic to hope that such selfish people will have an attack of conscience and come forward, but perhaps there is someone out there who can shed some light on who carried out this despicable act.

They would be doing everyone a favour – including the perpetrators themselves, who need to be stopped before anyone is actually hurt or even killed by their actions.