SIR – Re the article ‘Shopping centre looks an absolute disgrace’ (T&A, March 18).

I read this article and thought, yes, it is an absolute disgrace. The drab construction is devoid of any finesse whatsoever, just boring blank concrete slabs.

I then turned to the T&A leader column, and a comment I am sure was intended as serious advice, I could only comprehend as a piece of irony. The piece in question states: “Imagine the transformation some Yorkshire stone cladding and a dash of imagination could bring about, for example.”

The irony being, of course, the fact that a superb Yorkshire stone-constructed building – Kirkgate Market – was destroyed to be replaced by this current architectural disgrace.

No cladding was required on the original building, we had the real thing. As for a dash of imagination, it is the sheer lack of imagination of every council from the 1960s onwards that has left Bradford in its current state.

Sadly, amid all the regenerative developments, I see no real cause for hope. Bradford already has enough parks.

John Ibbotson, Crownest Road, Bingley

Editor’s note: The demolition of the original Kirkgate Market was a great loss, but there’s no question of the current one being rebuilt, so we may as well try and hide it as best we can!