SIR – May I draw attention to a new a Self Care Campaign launched by the NHS which is calling on people to use the NHS at the point of need, not demand. This has come about because of the catastrophic impact that the “worried well” are having on NHS services.

Common treatable ailments now account for a fifth of GP appointments, that is more than 50 million consultations annually for minor problems alone. What is worse is that it is costing the health service an astonishing £2bn annually.

We need a change in behaviour around treating minor ailments which could save the NHS this money without any cuts to services whatsoever.

I believe that we must educate people to manage minor ailments so that GPs and practice nurses’ time is freed up to look after more complex conditions.

Councillor Nader Fekri (Lib-Dem Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Keighley and Ilkley) Hope Street, Hebden Bridge