SIR – I agree with Councillor John Hall on the Lib-Dems’ policy of exempting low-earners (less than £10,000 pa) from tax (Letters, March 3), although it is prudent to mention that their policy was lifted from our manifesto, but well done for adopting it anyway. Mr Hall then veers off at a tangent when he tries to paint the Lib-Dems as a fair party; of course, I used to think that too before I began to understand politics. The Lib-Dems have stripped power from the people of Britain and handed it to unelected officials in Brussels and unelected regional quangos. That doesn’t seem fair from a party that used to believe in devolved power.

The Lib-Dems were one of the architects of the EU Arrest Warrant, possibly the most unfair piece of legislation ever, which is responsible for many British citizens being imprisoned in EU prisons without evidence or trial. Let’s not also forget the Lib-Dems’ failure to support a referendum on the EU which they promised. Not very fair really are they? Not very liberal, not very democratic.

Jason Smith, UKIP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Bradford West, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford