SIR – Since local Government re-organisation in 1974 and the subsequent privatisation of the water industry in 1989, responsibility for drainage systems has become a confusing issue for customers.

The journey from sky to ground can take a drop of water through several ‘ownerships’ which are sometimes difficult to understand, particularly when some sections of the sewerage system are classified as privately-owned and others public.

When the Government announced it was drawing up legislation which would transfer the ownership of private sewerage systems into the ownership of the water companies, we welcomed this move.

Adding another 20,000km of pipeline to the 33,000km of public sewer we already look after would certainly present us with a not-inconsiderable challenge. However, most importantly, such a move will help bring a great deal more clarity around who exactly is responsible for what in relation to Yorkshire’s sewers, and take the cost of maintenance and potentially costly repairs away from the homeowner.

The new legislation is due to come into force in 2012 but we’d like customers to give us their views now by taking part in an online poll which can be found at, along with more information on what the changes will mean.

Simon Parker, networks optimisation manager, Yorkshire Water