SIR – Could I please issue an appeal for assistance from any community-minded persons in the Wrose area for help to stage this year’s carnival?

The present committee has the required skills and experience to organise the event, but would like additional help. As the old adage goes, ‘many hands make light work’.

In particular we would like on-the-day assistance in helping to put up and take down fencing, erecting small marquees, etc.

The reward is a sense of well-being and pride for helping to organise this yearly event for the benefit of the whole community.

If any one would like to become a ‘friend of Wrose Carnival’ or even join our committee, contact me directly or join one of our committee meetings held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Eccleshill United Football Club.

Michael Masleczko, 23 Claremont Road, Wrose, Shipley, BD18 1PW.