SIR – Re the letter from Terry Tordoff (March 15), I do feel he has written the obituary of the SLR camera a little before its actual demise because SLR photography is alive and in rude health in the form of the DIGITAL SLR. It is true, as he writes, that anyone can “point a mobile phone and get reasonable images” but, of course, that is hardly the point, as I feel sure Terry already knows.

No photographer would be satisfied with ‘reasonable’ images, we all strive to achieve something a bit more artistic than that, and all the hard-learned abilities he has can be used with a modern D-SLR camera.

Composition, depth of field and exposure are there for you to use as you wish – from full auto to fully manual, it’s all there.

I’m relatively new to photography myself, but I’ve yet to meet more experienced people who would go back to film, so I’ll just say to Terry, give it a go mate, you might just like it!

Ian Copley, Anlaby Street, Bradford