SIR – Your report on the Bradford Chamber of Commerce annual policy priority survey (T&A, March 5) highlighted what has been obvious to many for some time, that Bradford city centre is tired and in desperate need of proper regeneration.

Although it did not feature in your report, I understand only 22 per cent thought that Government quango Yorkshire Forward had met its objectives, with 55 per cent unsure.

No wonder there are so many who would be happy to see the back of such costly, unanswerable organisations who have not served us at all well in so many ways.

Bradford Council may well have now taken regeneration in-house but, let’s face it, Council leader Kris Hopkins and others were part of the City Centre Regeneration Company before it was disbanded, so there can be no excuses for the lack of progress.

Our Council leaders seem to think that the £24.4 million City Park will be the catalyst for further regeneration.

However, one wonders how such a park will attract those 2.2 million visitors a year (that’s more than 6,000 people every day of the year), and for what purpose?

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon, Shipley