SIR – The row over Lord Ashcroft is as much to do with propriety as it is to do with political party finances. Ashcroft is not just any old donor. He is the key player behind the Tory marginal seats strategy. He is also the Conservative Party deputy chairman and, as such, should be leading by example.

He gave very public assurances about aspects of his life as a condition of entering the House of Lords which he appears to have reneged on. Meanwhile, here in Keighley and Ilkley constituency and other nearby constituencies, the money from billionaire Ashcroft is all too evident.

Returns on the Electoral Commission website show Bearwood Corporate Services gave £15,000 to Keighley Conservatives. Ashcroft stated that his heart is in Belize. However, his political influence is all over key seats in West Yorkshire.

If he wants to influence the outcome of an election he could at least have the decency and good manners to live in the country. In the meantime, we should tackle tax evasion at all levels, including closing those loopholes that allow movement of assets to offshore trusts.

Jane Thomas, Labour candidate for Keighley, Devonshire Street, Keighley