SIR – Bob Watson is absolutely right (Letters, February 22) when he asks why quangos should be allowed to dictate spending priorities for our district.

The obvious answer is that they shouldn’t. Not only are they unelected bodies, but the majority of the decision-makers in these quangos do not even live in the district.

I want to see all these quangos dissolved and their powers transferred to our elected officials.

It is true the majority of our councillors are pretty incompetent, but the key thing is that they can be removed by us at election time if their plans turn to rubble or big black holes! We were the only party calling for the abolition of the Yorkshire Regional Assembly and we will continue to call for it, along with the dismantling of all the other unelected and unaccountable regional quangos.

Jason Smith, UKIP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Bradford West, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford