SIR – Some four years ago Bradford Council introduced the recycling scheme.

Now the ratepayer is doing most of their work for them – sorting, grading, and cleaning all the receptacles etc, not forgetting lugging it to just where they pick the stuff up.

It appears after all this time we are not doing the job right.

They have just recently started slapping stickers on our recycle bins, instructing us to STOP – DO NOT – put glass, bottles, paper or cans in this bin – put them in your recycle bin.

OK so far, until I had the occasion to discard three redundant telephone directories, which we put in our nice green recycle bin.

Along comes the lovely ‘Mr Recycler Man’, out go three directories. “We don’t take them”. Do you wonder why fly tipping is on the up, albeit on a small scale?

Peter Coward, Park View Avenue, Cross Roads, Keighley