SIR – First, I would like to offer my deepest condolences to the families involved in regards to a terrible event which took place at the Fisheries in Killinghall Road on December 11, 2008.

The proprietor of that shop, Mr Mohammed Shaban (pictured), has shown his deep sorrow for the events that took place.

His comments (T&A, March 1) also show us how he tried to be so kind in his personal actions to avoid upsetting the families concerned, who all have his deepest sympathy as a family man himself.

It just shows to us all, regardless of nationality or creed, in times of tragedies, we can all show respect to our fellow men.

Mr Shaban has shown us all that we all are the same in times of such sadness and grief and that, at the end of the day, sorrow and tragedies know no boundaries.

George S Gill, New Hey Road, East Bowling