SIR – Yet again you feature a photograph of a “dangerous dog” being captured (T&A, March 10). I would suggest that the dog you showed was in fact a “terrified dog”, caught between two men with metal rods, fight bands around its neck and being dragged along on its hind legs.

Many of these so called “dangerous dogs” are in fact placid, good-natured dogs until they are forced into a position where they have to fight for their lives.

Six months ago we re-homed a Staffordshire bull terrier from the RSPCA and a nicer natured, gentle dog we have never owned.

Perhaps you could feature an article sometime showing the nicer side of these dogs.

The dangerous ones are in fact the owners who encourage these dogs to be aggressive, and who breed them with this purpose in mind.

Give these dogs a chance – it is not their fault.

P Antonie, Moorside Gardens, Eccleshill