SIR – The latest bargain-basement plan to address the traffic flow at Saltaire roundabout deserves a try – let’s face it, it’s not likely to make the situation any worse, so go for it.

The only trouble then is, how do we refer to that place in the future?

For all of my (sadly long) adult life, this has been called “Saltaire roundabout” and, as I approach my dotage, I know I shall find it difficult, if not impossible, to call it anything else.

When giving directions to strangers, I will surely forget and will still tell them to “go straight ahead at Saltaire roundabout” or “turn left at Saltaire roundabout”, leaving them to drive blissfully on until they encounter any other roundabout and apply my directions there.

Who knows where they will end up?

Maybe an exciting new name like ‘Saltaire Interchange’ or ‘Saltaire Illuminations’ would help we old-timers to adapt, but it will take time, something of which we have precious little left.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon, Shipley