SIR – The budget passed by Bradford Tories, Lib Dems and Greens is for a 0.9 per cent council tax rise and total spending of £449 million.

This will be balanced by income as follows: £272m from Govt. Grants, £160m from council tax payers, £17m from reserves (ie, previous savings), making a total of £449m.

How much money is in the reserves? The total is approximately £24 million. After one year, there will be £7m.

Where do the three party leaders expect to find £17m next year to maintain levels of service and balance the budget?

They probably do not really plan to spend far more than income next year, and intend to cut millions after the general election (if cuts were postponed until next financial year, they would be more severe).

Is this a cynical “political” budget, attempting to launch the career in Parliament of Kris Hopkins, Tory candidate for Keighley and Ilkley?

Labour’s responsible proposal, using less reserves and needing one per cent more in council tax than the three other parties, was rejected by Councillor Hopkins and his Lib Dem and Green cronies.

Will Coun Hopkins please explain how the above budget is financially responsible? Can we trust him to go to Westminster?

Pat and Vic Wakefield, Craven Avenue, Silsden