SIR – I read with some interest Duncan Bannatyres’ letter (T&A, March 1) on quitting smoking.

He states that stopping smoking is one of the hardest things one can do and that he has gone through the process himself.

I would disagree, and state that compared to giving up alcohol or certain other drugs, quitting nicotine is relatively easy.

The main reason people find it hard stop smoking is because they’re convinced that it’s going to be difficult.

Most people I know who gave up smoking found it easy to do because they started the attempt in a correct frame of mind.

If I may quote Mark Twain: “Giving up smoking is easy. I’ve done it hundreds of times!”

The main bugbear for the drinker and smoker has now been removed via the smoking ban.

No longer are cigarettes handed round the pub. Now smokers have to brave the wind, rain or snow for a quick drag outside.

It has got to the stage where it is not worthwhile smoking, because there is practically nowhere left where one can have a smoke in peace.

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw