SIR - Re a possible new estate on the land in Greenhill and Sty Lane, Micklethwaite.

Redrow is planning to build 450 dwellings on beautiful green land and has proposed access to the new estate via the existing Micklethwaite Lane swing bridge.

The lane is very narrow and very busy during peak periods. Coupled with Sty Lane, it is a popular rat run.

Both lanes and the bridge struggle to cope with current traffic volumes when the swing bridge is in use and when it fails, more traffic chaos ensues.

I dread to think what it would be like with hundreds of new dwellings and an extra 1,000 road users using this single access point.

How would emergency vehicles get through during busy periods?

It would take at least ten minutes to divert via Bingley or East Morton should the lane be blocked or the bridge be out of action – assuming they’re not stuck in the traffic.

Don’t count on the emergency services reaching their destination in an emergency!

I look forward to the Council considering this development and throwing it out for the good of the local community. We’ve had more than our fair share of new developments.

Richard Pinchbeck, Micklethwaite Lane, Bingley