SIR – The plan to abolish all free parking in the few places where it is still allowed is a blatant revenue-raising idea.

When the upheaval caused is added to the cost of providing either human or mechanical means of collecting and administrating fees, the gain will be so small. The whole idea is unthinkable.

A perusal of areas outside the city centre is enlightening. The map implies motorists are using them and not all will work in these areas, so obviously if they have to pay for them they will no longer leave their cars so inconveniently far from work. They will pay for city centre ones, thus causing a demand for more in the heart of the city, so a worse situation has been achieved.

It seems not to have dawned on Council leaders there are other aspects to parking than being a source of income at the expense of the motorist. The absence of parking meters, to be found elsewhere, could just sway people to visit.

If from the Council’s deliberations a sensible rejection of the idea results, let it also strike the notion entirely from its records – it has no purpose.

K J Clayton, Woodside Court, Eaglesfield Drive, Woodside, Bradford