SIR – After reading the article about the Cottingley roundabout, I think the proposed suggestion will not work.

Firstly, traffic from Bradford going into the left-hand lane would completely block access for cars coming from Bingley via the bypass.

I use the route daily, and if I had to avoid the proposed yellow box, I would never be allowed to progress into the left-hand lane due to the traffic from Bradford being allowed to fill it. Drivers just ignore these boxes due to total frustration at peak times.

This is a three-way junction, so do away with the roundabout and convert it to a traffic light-controlled junction with filters for left-hand turns.

We could also look at an American system which, if safe to do so, allows you turn left if no traffic is approaching, rather than sitting at a red light.

Brian Sutcliffe, Roundhill Mount, Cottingley