SIR – The report on Greece staring into the financial abyss (T&A, February 12) indicates appalling deceit at the highest level.

Massive lies were accepted by both the EU Commission and EU Central Bank, allowing the Greek economy to enter the euro zone when it never met the minimum criteria. As they sow, they now reap the harvest.

What a blessing the UK has not converted to the euro, and remains independent.

Lets us recall that it was the Lib Dems who have repeatedly advocated joining that currency and plunging the UK into the EU ‘bog’.

Additionally, that misguided Government minister, Lord Mandelson, gleefully leaps to the defence of the euro and continues to believe the UK should join in its remarkable success. What crass stupidity.

Our country is on the brink of financial disaster and Gordon Brown is playing politics to get re-elected at any cost.

If Labour form the next Government and delay the inevitable, the UK will lose our triple-A credit rating before the end of the year. Then the UK will become a carbon copy of Greece.

We must have a Conservative Government with sound monetary policies to significantly reduce our national debt that the international financiers respect.

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley